Routing ================================ Spynl takes control over many aspects of routing. URLDispatch ---------------- (no traversal) default routes /{resource}/{method} /{method} Endpoint registration ----------------------- `config.add_endpoint` It's custom (do not use Pyramid's `config.add_view`) - why? (at least to have a grip on documentation of endpoints, TODO: look for other reasons) Custom resource registration ------------------------------- `config.add_resource` A resource class at least needs a `paths` attribute. Multiple paths (aliases) is possible in Spynl. Custom routes --------------- Basically adding meta data and a function to `spynl.resource_routes_info`. TODO: show tutorial, argue why it is better to do it this way than simple using Pyramid's `config.add_route` directly. Hint: It has to do with applying routes to resources unknown in the current plugin. It has/had a use case but maybe everyone is better off now without it. Research.